Contact us

The parish is now in interregnum.  We are currently going through the process of appointing a new vicar.

If you wish to contact us please choose one of the options below:

For church hall bookings, please contact Michael Taylor directly on 07710 445009.  Current rates can be viewed here 

To report a safeguarding concern please contact Helen Greenwood on 07907 779814   or Steph Haynes (Bishop's Safeguarding Adviser) on 07342 993 844

If your query is about a Thomas Bromwich Charity application, forms are available from or by telephoning/messaging Susie on 07746 387741.   

For parish, pastoral and church matters and to arrange funerals and for general parish enquiries, please contact the church wardens::

Rita Cotterell:     or telephone:  07483 854326   (Rita is also the contact for archive/history queries)

Peter Hull:

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