Welcome to our beautiful church at the heart of a vibrant community

We look forward to welcoming you to one of our services.

Our Parish Mass (sometimes called 'Eucharist' or 'Holy Communion') on Sunday at 10.30 am at  is always a joyful occasion, with all ages welcome. We use a blend of traditional and modern music, and the Mass is celebrated in a relaxed and dignified way, refelcting the holiness of the service and the inclusivity of our style. There are hymns, prayers, readings, a sermon and Holy Communion. We aim to keep our worship accesible and vibrant, while remaining true to our catholic identity firmly within the Anglican tradition.

There are also services of Holy Communion on Wednesdays at 10.00 am and Fridays at 1.00 pm.  These services offer a quiet, reflective atmosphere, away from the hustle and bustle of the world, sometimes with a short homily based on one of the readings or the theme of the day.

Revd Danny offers 'Morning Prayer' on Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Fridays at 9.00 am in Church. Morning Prayer is a short (approx. 20 minutes) service including readings, psalms and prayers, offering a gentle, reflective space in which to start the day in the presence of God: all are welcome.

At certain times of the year we hold great celebrations,including special services at Christmas, Easter, Mothering Sunday, Harvest, Remembrance Sunday, Advent and during Lent and Holy Week.  Please see our Calendar for details of these.



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